In days of old, before the Western World discovered industrialisation and found the need to streamline and order everything, literature and art offered evidence that nearly every Earth based civilisation recognised dragons, elementals, winged horses and unicorns.
The belief in guides, fairies, sprits and courageous game changers who were to be seen in the corner of one’s vision and would advised humans in their dream state, was a respected and valued view point. The ancient cultures were strong and well organised but still had time to respect individuality.
As our cultures evolved, and “knowledge” became prescribed and defined, humans began to accept that what they had once believed to be reality, was purely a “myth”; a story teller’s muse for explaining the wonders that science and culture now gave justifications for.
So here is a radical thought; did the new found human belief in myth and fable actually mean the dragon, the winged horse, the elementals, the unicorn and all other versions of our peripheral vision had never existed, or did society, fearing ridicule, become conditioned to not see them anymore? Did these visions, learning that they were in fact mythical, cease to exist or did they learn to cloak themselves to fit in with the new order? Are their descendants still within society, unaware of their heritage, unaware of their potential but instinctively believing they have to ignore their uniqueness to fit in with the culture of the 21st century. Are they the square pegs in round holes that society so often calls out?
The Unicorn in the Cabbage Patch has a whimsical but poignant reference to this thought. The neurodiverse, the able, creative child, the anxious complex young person, who cannot bear to be corralled into the structure of a formal school, are forced to cloak their true potential. All are welcome in our alternative universe. The world sees horses for courses in a mundane regimented environment that supplies a staple diet. Here at the Stable, we see beyond the cloak to the magical, noble being beneath, we offer a diet that is as rich and as diverse as the learners who join our team. Our Stable provides security, nurture and diversity, our field grows daisies and things which fed the soul. We invite your young person to join us and kick up their heels in a truly inspirational, holistic niche.