Year 6 Curriculum & Arrangements

Year 6: Face to Face Sessions

Trial Day 1

Monday September 2nd 11.30-1.30 pm
Special price: £30 Maths and English
Maximum of 4 places

Trial day 2

Tuesday September 3rd 11.30-1.30pm
Special Price: £30 Science and Art
Maximum of 4 places

Trial Day 3

Wednesday September 4th 11.30-1.30pm
Special Price: £30 Humanities and Craft
Maximum of 4 places

Trial day 4

Thursday September 5th 11.30-1.30pm
10 places

Year 6 Arrangements and Curriculum

Sessions will formally start on Monday September 9th and will happen on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday.

We will also be offering a variety of activities on Freedom Thursdays and Freaky Fridays that are themed sessions supported by staff and  guided by the students who attend and respond to the stimuli offered.

Year 6 sessions will be four hours a day, Monday to Wednesday with an option to stay to Sports Coaching with Sport Elite 2-4pm each day.

It is hoped that the majority of parents will wish to sign their young people up for the  three four hour mornings, however, depending on demand, there may be the opportunity to join the team for just one or two subjects per day. Priority will be given to those wishing to attend all four hours.

The Sport Elite session will take place 2-4pm three times a week and will be open to all home educators to enjoy.  Those staying on from the morning session may bring a packed lunch and join our Professors in recess, eating, playing and maybe enjoying chess and other board games.

The cost of the classes will depend on the number of students enrolled in each.

We will be taking bookings throughout the summer holiday and will advise parents of the charge of the session before the term formally starts on Monday September 9th. If only one student has enrolled for a class, parents will be given the option to withdraw before the first session occurs.

We ask that parents commit to a minimum of six sessions , giving three weeks notice if they do not wish to renew their booking for the next group of six weeks.

Cancellation Policy

Where staff availability exists, one to one sessions can be rescheduled once per half term, all other classes must be paid in full.


Year Six Sessions – Monday Tuesday Wednesday

9.15 am
Meet, greet and discuss days highlights

9.20 – 10.15
Art and Craft

10.15 – 10.30
Let off steam/chill

10.30 – 11.15

11.15 – 11.30
Snack, drink etc
(bring your own. Due to allergens, no nuts or members of the oranges family please – and that includes orange juice – sorry!)

11.30 – 12.15

1215 – 12.30
Steam or Chill

12.30 – 1.15

1.15 – 1.30
Celebrate success

1.30 – 2pm
If you are staying for sports, you can join the staff and enjoy your packed lunch that you brought from home. Don’t forget to bring trainers, T shirts, shorts/leggings to change into for the afternoon session.

2pm – 4pm
Sport activities with Sports Elite.


The Core Maths Skills Year 6 Autumn Term

  • Measurement, units of capacity, temperature, distance weight , speed
  • Conversion of units including imperial to metric
  • Data capture, primary and secondary source. Displaying data, interpreting graphs and charts
  • Understanding correlation and scattergragphs
  • Reading Scales including map scales
  • Measuring bearings and making scale drawings
  • Further exploration of fractions
  • Making mathematical gift boxes
  • Looking after our cows, creating fields that maximise the amount of pasture available.

Year 6 Science Projects Autumn Term 2024

Living things and habits, electricity, renewable energy

Year 6 English Projects

  • Comprehension and Creative writing inspired by the theme of life between 1837 and 1950.
  • Writing to inform inspired by researching the erosion of natural habitats, the conservation of habitats .Blogs and informal wording
  • SPAG, integrated within all lessons building the use of active and passive voice, formal and informal language, the use of the subjunctive,perfect verb forms marking time and clause.
  • Literature Goodnight Mr Tom, Christmas Carol,
  • Introduction into historical, narrative poetry
  • Introduction to Shakespeare.

Year 6 Humanities Topics.

Climate Change. Understanding maps and planning adventures. The local area between 1837 and 1949.

Year 6 Art and Craft

  • Using variety of mediums to create landscape
  • Creating montages
  • Optical Illusion
  • Making solar powered water features,  pet drinking  bowls
  • Making hedgehog, bee and bug  homes
  • Exploring the work of Turner and Constable.


Selected activities from Cricket, Archery, Athletics, Football skills, Jiu jitsu, Kick boxing, racquet skills, skipping skills, under the watchful and skilled mentorship of Elite Sports.