Supporting Alternative Education

Supporting Alternative Education

Einstein said “It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.” 

He also said, “I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”

The Unicorn is not a registered school, and would be deeply insulted to consider itself a provider of formal education. 

It is a home educators centre providing alternative, part time enrichment to young people who are not at ease in formal education. It is a secure niche for curiosity, engagement, a haven in which people can follow tangents, develop alternative line of enquiry and take control of their lives. 

The ethos embraces personal responsibility and follows the premise that all people should take responsibility for their own actions, interactions and conduct. Our intent is to empower people to become skilled in dissipating conflict, creating harmony and excelling in co-operation. The stable has expectations on conduct and engagement but does not offer harsh discipline and does not invent rules just to provide structure. Our boundaries are there to guide our colts into a mindset of quiet, confident self -discipline and good citizenship. They are there to ensure we all enjoy our day, laugh often and create great memories.

The Unicorn has no intention of ever becoming a registered school and as such does not offer a full curriculum package. No individual will be attending the Stable for more than sixteen-eighteen  hours a week and parents must be prepared to provide other arrangements to ensure the young person receives the broad and balanced education that is appropriate to their age and aptitude.

We believe in all things that life is a rich tapestry and there are multiple strands to consider, and that each should give according to their skills and expertise. The Unicorn does not believe one size fits all and we share Einstein’s amazement that creativity survives formal education. We believe the world needs free thinkers and those ready to question convention.

Thus the Unicorn Team will be open to offering the following  support: (please click on the boxes below)


To Parents

  • One to one meetings over a hot drink to discuss EHCP matters, possible schools and act as informal advocates for those handling the highs and lows of learning the system.
  • Small group training in how to deliver Maths, English and Science that is engaging, vibrant and fun in the home setting whilst creating journals and evidence that demonstrates the quality of provision and outcomes.
  • Counselling, support and validation, an oasis in the choppy sea of raising a neurodiverse colt. A “surgery” in which you can bring your highs and lows to discuss with an experienced practitioner, all of whom have experience and commitment to alternative education.

To Students

  • The opportunity to attend The Stable up to 16 hours a week to join with a small group of like minding people of your own age in exploring Maths, English, Science, Art and Crafts. There will be no more than four places in each group.
  • The opportunity to join with others of a similar age to take part in Sports Activities.
  • The opportunity to join half termly courses that focus on developing a deeper understanding of particular crafts.
  • The opportunity to undertake training in HSE courses such as first aid, manual handling, food hygiene.
  • The opportunity to learn to drive and to be supported in mastering driving theory.
  • The opportunity to go on trips with friends on a Friday to explore history, geography, science, theatre, art and crafts and outward bound activities.
  • And, in the fullness of time, the opportunity to attend a social club one evening a week where there will be an time to chill with friends, develop hobbies and escape the parents for a couple of hours.